Melissa Stockwell

Veteran | Purple Heart Recipient 3x U.S. Paralympian | 2016 Paralympic Bronze Medalist 3x World Champion | 2022 World Championships Silver Medalist Boston Marathon World Record Holder for an above-the-knee amputee Co-founded Dare2Tri Co-founder Tolsma/ Stockwell Prosthetics


Melissa Stockwell is an extraordinary individual who has overcome significant challenges to achieve remarkable accomplishments in various fields. She started her journey as an American war hero, serving in the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant after graduating from the University of Colorado in 2002. Unfortunately, in March 2004, Melissa’s Humvee was hit by a roadside bomb in Baghdad, resulting in the loss of her left leg above the knee. This incident marked her as the first female to lose a limb in active combat.

Following her military career, Melissa embraced athletics as a way to excel and make a positive impact. In 2008, she became the first Iraqi War Veteran to qualify for the Paralympics. She participated in swimming events and was chosen by her fellow Team USA athletes to carry the American flag during the closing ceremonies. Her commitment to Paratriathlon led her to become a three-time World Champion. Melissa’s achievements extended beyond her athletic prowess, as she completed the prosthetic practitioner program, enabling her to help other amputees adapt to artificial limbs. She also co-founded the Dare2tri Paratriathlon Club, dedicated to promoting active living and the sport of triathlon among individuals with disabilities.

Melissa’s dedication to serving her country continued even after her military service, as she remained a proud member of Team USA. Her inspiring journey includes moments like racing on September 11, 2016, to honor fallen soldiers, and earning a Paralympic Bronze Medal. Despite challenges such as a cycling accident and the COVID-19 pandemic, Melissa persevered and competed in the Tokyo Games, finishing fifth.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Melissa is a loving wife and mother. She has also become a sought-after motivational speaker, sharing her story with audiences from various Fortune 500 companies, and her experiences have been featured in numerous media outlets, documentaries, and even her autobiography titled “”The Power of Choice,”” released in August 2020.

Overall, Melissa Stockwell’s journey is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering dedication to her country, her family, and her community. Her ability to overcome personal tragedy and use her platform to inspire others is a testament to her strength and character.

Suzanne,Please share with Melissa our gratitude and profound thanks for being with us today. It was so inspiring and our audience was extremely moved by her story and messaging. I also want to say thank you to both of you for your patience and kindness and continuous efforts to make this happen. It is truly appreciated. On behalf of NASA Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities, we cannot thank you enough.


Kay L. Twitchell, Chair/Co-Chair, Ames Research Center Veterans Committee Employee Resource Group, NASA

“Thank you so much for helping coordinate the Veterans Day speaking engagement with Melissa. What an incredible story and inspiration!  Zillow is absolutely abuzz with glowing reviews and the Veterans Network was super proud to be able to showcase such a cool event. Her message really struck a chord especially in these uncertain times. She was the perfect fit.” 



I just wanted to say thank you SOOO much for joining us yesterday for the event. You are a remarkable human being and I’m so grateful to get to hear just a part of your story and mindset. I just wish we had more time so you could share even more! 
I’m rooting for you so big!!! Also, I hope we will get to work together again in the near future. Thank you for all the positivity and light you shine on this world. I definitely left that event inspired and ignited in new ways.
Appreciate you!


Jilyne Jarvis Co-Founder and Executive Director ZGiRLS

“Melissa Inspired our team today during these unsettling times.  She shared her personal & intimate story of resilience, moving forward, love of family, and the critical aspect of team work. She ignited the flame inside all of us and helped influence a mindset of positive thinking, reflection on life and the importance of being a good teammate.”


McKinsey & Co.


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